Monday, August 17, 2015

Download Albrecht Durer Gothic Font Family Style

Download Albrecht Durer Gothic Font Family Style

Download Albrecht Durer Gothic Font Style Family

While browsing through a sourcebook on historic calligraphy and antique type I came on an interesting sample of a gothic style attributed to the legendary artist Albrecht Durer.

I had previously seen fonts based on the peculiar style of lettering Durer used on prints for his signature and some captions, but this style was radically different and much more characteristic of the lettering and early printed types of the ‘Northern Renaissance’ which Durer was a big part of.


Whether it’s authentically Durer’s work or not is up in the air, but it’s a very nice example of early gothic type. We've called the resulting font Albrecht Durer Gothic and it’s a very striking face well suited to titles and other contemporary uses where you need something heavy and eye catching.

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